
Date: June 10, 2024

Name for Bid: Repair and Maintenance of Locomotive 2ТЭ116

Bid number: МТЗ/20240103176


The “Mongolian Railway” SOSC invites interested parties that meet the requirements and criteria specified in the bid documents to bid for the Repair and Maintenance of Locomotive 2ТЭ116.

  1. Whether the bid consists of the packages: “No”
  2. The bid documents must be submitted before 09:00 am, July 9, 2024, and will be opened at 09:30 am, July 9, 2024.
  3. Alternative bids are: “Not permitted”
  4. Whether a foreigner is permitted to participate: “Yes”
  5. Bids are required to be valid for at least 30 working days after opening.
  6. Whether a bid guarantee is required: “Yes” 36,875,000(thirty-six million, eight hundred seventy-five thousand) MNT. Please be conscious that if a bid guarantee is required, a bid will be opened by submitting the bid guarantee in the amount specified in the bid documents via the electronic system in accordance with the relevant procedures.
  7. Whether the bid selection takes place in advance: “No” 
  8. Whether the bid selection is organized in two stages: “No” 
  9. An interested entity can review the bid documents for free using the electronic procurement system and participate in the bid by paying a service fee of 50,000 MNT.
  10. Contact details: Phone: 70006622, e-mail address:

Address: Union building, A block, Floor 7, Sun Road – 62, 1st khoroo, 13th micro district, Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar 14230, Mongolia